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Entrepreneurship Conferences, Entrepreneurship Events, Business Conferences, Business Events, Entrepreneurship Summit 2024, UK, London, UK Conferences, London Conferences

Anne Berthnier Poncet

CNAM France

Entrepreneurship Conferences, Entrepreneurship Events, Business Conferences, Business Events, Entrepreneurship Summit 2024, UK, London, UK Conferences, London Conferences

Hussein M. Baalbaki

University of Quebec Canada

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Chhavi Vashisht

Jawaharlal Nehru University India

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Mykolenko Olena

National University of Pharmacy Ukraine

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Mashiur Rahman

University of Dhaka Bangladesh

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Svitlana Strapchuk

National University of Pharmacy Ukraine

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Gloria Imoh Bassey Obioh

National Biotechnology Development Agency Nigeria

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Deny John Samuvel

Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education India

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Entrepreneurship Summit 2024

Conference Series LLC Ltd welcomes you to attend the "9th Global Entrepreneurship & Business Management" Summit to be held in London, UK on July 04-05, 2024. The theme for the conference this year is Digital Transformation and its impact on Business Management.

Conference Name



Entrepreneurship Summit 2024

London, UK

July 04-05, 2024


About Conference

Are you planning to start a new business?? Don't have any background?? Want some useful tips from the successful Entrepreneurs then come and participate in our ever 9th Edition of Global Entrepreneurship and Business Management Summit which is going to be held in London, UK from July 04-05, 2024.

We welcome all the Business Tycoons, Women Entrepreneurs, enthusiastic youth, Academic Entrepreneurs, Small-scale Industrial People to come and participate in our conference and take back an incredible experience with you.

It focuses on the theme: "Innovation and Latest Trends in Business Opportunities". So this conference provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest developments within the field.

Why attend?

Attending an appropriate conference at an appropriate time may sometimes lead to the great end of the line. The benefits are as follows:

• To have great interactions with the successful Entrepreneurs

• Discuss the latest trends in the Business Management

• Can know the aye and nay of starting a business

• Meet the Bigwigs of different business

• Facilitate the Knowledge Exchange

• To have a chat with the co- businessmen around the world

• Collaborations between the industries and academics

Target Audience

These meetings have a wide range of affiliations that comes into its folds. It includes mainly the following target audiences:

• Directors, CEO's

• Business Development Managers

• Business Societies

• Entrepreneurs

• Business Professors, Deans,

• Students, Ph.D. Scholars

• Start-Up Entrepreneurs

• Business Entrepreneurs

• Marketing People

Importance & Scope:

The main scope and importance of the Conference are to bring all the wings of the business and entrepreneurship under one roof and share their experiences, pros, and cons with us. Discussion of the innovative and recent trends in the business field will be the main criteria of the conference.

Sessions & Tracks

Track 1: Academic Entrepreneurship

Half of the people who meant to be academic Entrepreneurs are Scientist, Graduates, and Students of the Universities etc. They tend to start a business based on their studies, research works etc. They tend to convert the results of their studies to money. These academic entrepreneurs are funded by the universities, to do this kind of innovative stuff. After the successful completion of the business projects, the universities will be the partners of the particular business also. This academic Entrepreneurship is a boon to the academicians who want to pursue their dream of being an entrepreneur. Even though it looks like a foot in two worlds but the ultimate result of being an Academic entrepreneur will be great.

Track 2: Start-up Entrepreneurship

Start-up is defined as a newly emerged business to satisfy the market needs. The percentage of risk for this is very high. It mainly revolves around the creative ideas, thoughts, discovering new products, new services etc. Then committing the right team to improve the idea to work is the key step of a start-up. The successful journey of the team on the main idea and working collectively also plays a key role in the success of the start-up. Then comes the main thing called financial support. In the US alone a large number of campus entrepreneurship programmes are offered in universities, based on this about 27 million people are running their own business in the US topping the Global Entrepreneurship Index. Now a day's financial support for a start-up had become very easy by the esteemed support of the banks, financial institutions etc. Then the correct market timing to release the product also plays a vital role in the success of the new company. Validating the results to attract additional resources via investments, Revenue shares etc. increases the scope of the company.

Track 3: Entrepreneurial Behaviours

Behaving like being an Entrepreneur itself is the biggest behavior of a successful Entrepreneur. These entrepreneurial behaviors differentiate common people from them. Starting with the zeal of becoming an entrepreneur, Awareness of the situations they are facing, Creativity, risk management, Timing, at most focusing skills, Future visions, Building the networks, what not every little behavior leads the way to success. Upon all these self-belief and motivation keep the person and the committed team alive. Listing out the behaviors of the successful people might be a ridiculous thing; it will be like trying to fit an elephant into a small box. So we cannot list out the Entrepreneurial behaviors but can give a brief idea of them. As all the routes do not lead to the destinations all the listed behaviors do not lead to success there may be many things out of the line.

Track 4: Women Entrepreneurship

According to a research it is stated 1/3 of all the entrepreneurs in the world are women. It might be just a small number but the outcome is different. Women entrepreneurs are tending to generate high economic growth rate. They often face gender-based barriers like marital status, cultural practices, inherent laws etc. Still, they stand up for what they want to be. This also strengthens Women empowerment and well-being of the society. The main drawback of the women entrepreneurs is an Entrepreneurial mindset; most of the women prefer to have salaried jobs, steady working hours and paid leaves. But most of them attest that is not true because of flexible working hours, salaries and more comfortable in the field of Entrepreneurship but the time they take for the benefits if more. Another drawback is the lack of practical experience, as the no of entrepreneurs is less in women it will be difficult for them to look up and take the one as an example. In spite of all these, so many associations and industries are encouraging women to pursue their dreams of having their own business. Hope this will be continued in the future also.

Track 5: Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Competitiveness

Most of the people have dreamed of starting their own business, but many people see only the cons of starting a business. But if they see clearly it will be an ocean of opportunities to pursue it. In spite of the success, we dream, hurdles always greet us first; many people rebuff the opportunity there. But overtaking the hurdles leads to success. This growth of entrepreneurship leads to the economic growth of the country. Expandability, New thinking, Digitalisation also plays the main role in the growth of the company. Competitiveness increases the firm of performing together. Building up of competitiveness increases the chances of growth in a company. Better Infrastructure, Legal systems, Markets will encourage more people to start a business. With the increasing number of businesses, the competitiveness between them also becomes high. Health Competitiveness leads to the growth of oneself and growth of the country. Social challenges, Sustainability, Active and health Aging, Innovation also helps in the growth of the entrepreneurship.

Track 6: Innovative Industries

Did we ever think from where these innovative ideas come from...? They come from nothing or from severe brainstorming. Some industries grow very fastly while some will lack behind. But among all of these only some industries are considered innovative. Every field like Automotive, Technology, Pharmaceutical, and Biotechnology are innovative in their own way, trying to invent new technologies in their fields. The highest innovative percentage is seen in the Information technology that is of 30%. Next the telecommunications and automotive occupy the second position of 13%. Apart from these, the greatest innovation was seen in food, Beverage and tobacco industries. Innovative thinking increases the emerging of the new companies and them directly increasing the job Opportunities for the people, increasing creativity, and improving the quality of life of people everywhere. Innovative industries are doing a better job meeting people's needs and pushing the boundaries of innovation than more established competitors in other parts of the world. Some of the lists of innovative industries are: Automotive Technology Research AND Development Financial Technology New Product Development Sustainability Intellectual Property

Track 7: Entrepreneurial finance and venture capital

Entrepreneurial companies face main issues like a high-risk investment. In return to that risk, they will also face high returns also. The two main sources for the accumulation of the capital are the Banks and the Venture Capitalist. Banks will monitor less effectively and they face the capitals demands from their own investors. Venture capitalist monitor high effectively and face a high cost of capitals. But the disadvantage of a venture capitalist is they charge a large number of returns of at least 30-40% per year whereas this is very less in banks. The capital amounts provided by the banks or the venture capitalist changes based on the type of ventures. They are Institutional Venture Capitalist Funds Small business investment companies Financial venture capital funds Corporate venture capital funds Venture capital limited partnerships But this venture capitalist does not finance in the early stages of the business. The early stages of the business include funding from friends, family, seed stage financing, angel investors etc. The basic difference between the venture and the seed stage financing are as follows: Venture Capitalist Seed Stage Funding They start with the companies which are matured They start funding at the seed stage of the company They usually fund millions and ten million at a time Their funding will be of thousand USD to One million After all, the basic motto of the funding companies is to encourage the new talent to direct them to the future successful entrepreneurs

Track 8: Studies of new businesses

Whatever idea you have whether it is selling coffee, computers, and conferences etc. It pays to know and understand your market target. The time gap between sharing your idea of starting a business should be spent over studying the concepts of the business and marketing. Big businesses do this in spite of its high cost. They have teams dedicated to interviewing the customers, surveying about the possibilities, analyzing buying partners etc. This analysis and studies should be done in every stage of the business. But the major part should be completed in the seedling stage. Study of market research helps us to analyze whether our idea is innovative? the area to start the businesses, time when to apply for the funding, when moving into new markets etc. Second thing thinking of how your idea will be helpful to the customers. The major study should be done on the type of customers who get attracted to the idea. Basically, there are 3 types of customers. They are purchasers (Those who take the decisions), Influencers (Those influences the purchases), End-users (Who usually interacts with you and use the product). This study directs the growth of your business. Later you need to concentrate on the competitors in the field. This study gives a clear idea of how you would tailor your growth when competing with each group. The last point to be noted is the Collaborators who support your idea but aren’t paid or rewarded for that. So making these studies will be helpful for the growth of your idea into a business

Track 9: Entrepreneurship and gender

How much we try to nullify it the gender gap especially in the entrepreneurship is increasing day by day. According to a recent survey the men are said to be showing the highest growth rate when compared to the women. Let us see some examples proving it. Men Women In terms of age, men seem to set up a business before 35 At that age, very little women started the business Men spend 75% of their time at work While women spend it with the family. Men are more likely to raise 2x more funding of $100k Women entrepreneurs have raised less than $10K Instead of courses men likely to read books for improving the skills. 15% of the women are interested to take courses regards the entrepreneurship It is said that 90% of the women-owned business is said to be underperforming when compared to men. This is due to the women weakness in handling the situations and challenges, due to the men superiority and normativity. Focused on women empowerment and social inclusion it is said that its development is now seen to make good economic sense. Guiding and helping the opposite gender simultaneously help the growth of the economy cordially.

Track 10: Entrepreneurial learning and communities of practice

Learning of entrepreneurship is still an undeveloped domain. Nowadays it is booming in its own way to change the future ways of entrepreneurship learning. Entrepreneurial learning mainly involves attitude, skills, and knowledge to turn the creative ideas into action. Entrepreneurial learning leads to the born of new entrepreneurs, which follows upcoming of the new industries, job creation, and a healthy economy, stimulates innovation and capacities to deal with the Globalisation, it motivates students, it empowers people to create value for the society etc. The academic stage of entrepreneurial learning will be beneficial to the students. Academic stage of learning enables them to explore how entrepreneurial capability and identity is learned in a creative way, it teaches a conceptual framework of entrepreneurial learning, highlights the processes of entrepreneurial learning and identity formation etc. Start-up communities are the local group of people who support the starting of a new business on their own. These communities allow rapid flow of resources, support the increase in the social capital, learning about the start-up, Job opportunities etc. Some of the communities also add on venture capitalist, mentors, and instructors to the community to guide them further into the future. Developing these kinds of communities stimulate talent and entrepreneurship in an innovative way. They mainly work on: They develop manifold relations between the people of the community They collaborate with the public sector, employers, education institutions to enhance the community level job creation They work towards retaining and attracting innovative and creative talents etc.

Market Analysis

Market Size: The market for entrepreneurship is expected to continue to grow in 2024. According to a report by Global Market Insights, the global entrepreneurship market size was valued at over $30 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 5% from 2019 to 2025. This growth is driven by factors such as increasing government initiatives to promote entrepreneurship, a growing number of startups, and the availability of funding and resources for entrepreneurs.

Target Audience: The target audience for entrepreneurship in 2024 is likely to be a diverse group, including both aspiring and established entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals in related fields. The target audience is expected to be interested in learning about the latest trends, techniques, and strategies for starting and growing successful businesses.

Competition: The market for entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly crowded, with new startups and entrepreneurship-focused organizations emerging all the time. Some notable competitors include accelerators and incubators, coworking spaces, and entrepreneurship-focused events and conferences. However, by offering unique value propositions and tailored content, entrepreneurship-focused organizations can differentiate themselves and attract a loyal following.

SWOT Analysis:


Entrepreneurship is a growing industry, with increasing government support and access to funding and resources.
• The availability of technology and online resources is making it easier for aspiring entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses.
• Entrepreneurship-focused organizations can offer valuable networking opportunities and support for entrepreneurs.


• Starting and growing a successful business can be challenging, and not everyone has the necessary skills, resources, or support.
• The competition in the entrepreneurship market can be fierce, and it can be difficult to stand out.


• With the continued growth of the entrepreneurship market, there are many opportunities for new startups and entrepreneurship-focused organizations to emerge and succeed.
• The increasing focus on social entrepreneurship and sustainable business practices provides opportunities for entrepreneurs to make a positive impact while building successful businesses.


• Economic and political uncertainty can affect entrepreneurship, with investors and customers becoming more cautious.
• Changes in government policies and regulations can affect the availability of funding and support for entrepreneurs.

Industry Trends: Some of the key trends in entrepreneurship in 2024 are likely to include:

• Increasing focus on sustainable and socially responsible business practices
• Greater use of technology and data analytics to drive business growth
• Growth of entrepreneurship in emerging markets and developing countries
• Increasing importance of personal branding and social media presence for entrepreneurs

By understanding the market size, target audience, competition, and industry trends in entrepreneurship in 2024, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship-focused organizations can position themselves for success and offer valuable support and resources to aspiring and established entrepreneurs.

VISA - Trip Advisor

Planning a Trip to London, United Kingdom!! Attending Meeting!!

An issue with VISA!!

Entrepreneurship Summit 2024 will be happy to help you in all regards to plan your trip to London, UK. Avail the official invitation letter from us to attend this event ahead with a closer step for approval of your VISA.

Find out what you need to do to visit London as a tourist or business person, how to extend your stay in London and what documents you need to carry with you to transit through London.


Application Submission:

UK Embassy does not have a visa office in every country so it is important that Speakers/Delegates/Attendees visit the website of the visa office responsible for processing their visa applications.  Information is available on the website on how to submit a visa application and the documentation required. 

Speakers/Delegates/Attendees are encouraged to submit their visa applications well in advance of the date of the event at a Visa Application Centre or on-line E-applications (e-Apps).


This system allows clients to submit applications online.

Speakers/Delegates/Attendees that need a visa but require their passport for other travel purposes are strongly encouraged to submit their visa applications online (e-Apps).  Speakers/Delegates/Attendees that choose to apply online will not have to submit their passport until a decision has been taken on their applications.  If required, the visa office will send the applicant instructions on how and where to send their passports to finalize the visa process.  

Visa Application Centres (VACs):

VACs are commercial service providers authorized by UK to provide specific services to applicants. 

VACs provide a number of services including help applicants fill out forms, answer questions and ensure that applications are complete, thereby reducing unnecessary delays or refusals due to incomplete applications.

Applicants that are required to provide biometrics information as part of the visa application process can do so at a VAC.  Additional information on the biometrics requirements is available at the IRCC website.

VACs send applications to Visa Offices and transmit decisions to applicants in a secure and confidential manner. VACs do not process visa applications and play no role in the decision-making process.

Visa Applications Processing Time:

Processing time for visa applications vary depending on the office and the time of the year.  Participants should be encouraged to apply early for their Visa, and to submit complete applications including all supporting documents.  Please visit the IRCC website for information on the time it takes to process visa applications at the various visa offices. 

NEW - Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA)

As of March 15, 2016, visa-exempt foreign nationals are expected to have an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) to fly to or transit through UK. Exceptions include U.K. citizens and travellers with a valid UK Visa. UK citizens, including dual citizens and UK permanent residents are not eligible to apply for an ETA.

However, from March 15, 2016, until fall 2016, travellers who do not have an ETA can board their flight, as long as they have appropriate travel documents, such as a valid passport. During this time, border services officers can let travellers arriving without an ETA into the country, as long as they meet the other requirements to enter UK. We invite you to consult the IRCC website regularly for information updates on ETA.

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