Entrepreneurial learning and communities of practice
Learning of entrepreneurship is still an undeveloped domain. Nowadays it is booming in its own way to change the future ways of entrepreneurship learning. Entrepreneurial learning mainly involves attitude, skills, and knowledge to turn the creative ideas into action. Entrepreneurial learning leads to the born of new entrepreneurs, which follows upcoming of the new industries, job creation, and a healthy economy, stimulates innovation and capacities to deal with the Globalisation, it motivates students, it empowers people to create value for the society etc. The academic stage of entrepreneurial learning will be beneficial to the students. Academic stage of learning enables them to explore how entrepreneurial capability and identity is learned in a creative way, it teaches a conceptual framework of entrepreneurial learning, highlights the processes of entrepreneurial learning and identity formation etc. Start-up communities are the local group of people who support the starting of a new business on their own. These communities allow rapid flow of resources, support the increase in the social capital, learning about the start-up, Job opportunities etc. Some of the communities also add on venture capitalist, mentors, and instructors to the community to guide them further into the future. Developing these kinds of communities stimulate talent and entrepreneurship in an innovative way. They mainly work on: They develop manifold relations between the people of the community They collaborate with the public sector, employers, education institutions to enhance the community level job creation They work towards retaining and attracting innovative and creative talents etc.
Related Conference of Entrepreneurial learning and communities of practice
Entrepreneurial learning and communities of practice Conference Speakers
Recommended Sessions
- Academic Entrepreneurship
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Corporate and Strategic Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Behaviours
- Entrepreneurial finance and venture capital
- Entrepreneurial learning and communities of practice
- Entrepreneurship and gender
- Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Competitiveness
- Innovative Industries
- Start-up Entrepreneurship
- Studies of new businesses
- Women Entrepreneurship
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