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Michael Fabber

High Performance Success Coach, USA

Title: Turning Your Passion Into Your Profession AUTHOR: Michael Fabber, High Performance Success Coach, USA, INTEREST AREA/TRACK: Growth, Wellbeing, Passion


Biography: Michael Fabber


There is no special DNA to achieve greatness. I believe many people play small and believe to be insignificant in this mighty big world. My objective is for everyone to see themselves as the superstar they are. My presentation is to show it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it. Many people are stuck in jobs that create problems in their life and even physical diseases as well as dis-ease. This presentation will discuss the importance of happiness and passion in your career and how this can impact your relationships with family, friends, and your entire life. This presentation will show how everyone is significant and capable of achieving greatness. This presentation will address living such a life that you will be remembered.