Organizing Committee

OCM Member

Pumela Msweli

Executive Dean and CEO
Unisa Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL)
South Africa

Biography Research Interest

OCM Member

Dr. Ferdoush Saleheen

Doctor Higher Colleges of Technology
Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)

Biography Research Interest

OCM Member

Professor Luiz Moutinho

Professor Luiz Moutinho (BA, MA, PhD, MAE, FCIM) is Visiting Professor of Marketing at Suffolk Business School, Faculty of Arts, Business and Applied Social Science, Univ. of Suffolk, Ipswich, England, UK, and at The Marketing School, Portugal, and Adjunc
University of Suffolk, The University of Sheffield

Biography Research Interest

OCM Member

Dr. Benjamin Bvepfepfe

Higher Colleges of Technology

Biography Research Interest

OCM Member

Pumela Msweli

Executive Dean and CEO
Unisa Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL)
South Africa

Biography Research Interest

OCM Member

Prof. Dr. Md. Mamun Habib

Chair, Business Summit 2022
Independent University

Biography Research Interest

OCM Member

David Benjamin Billedeau

University of Waterloo

Biography Research Interest